Alpha Juno 2 Ableton Instruments, Mikes Mix Freebie
(This pack is compatible with Ableton Live Lite 9.7.7 and above.)
The Alpha Juno 2 was the first synth I used to make Ableton instruments. Many years ago now, I made a pack with my friend Brian Funk for his website, at the time called Afrodjmac dot com. You can check out his site here. The pack came out very nice and still sounds great, however I still had a lot to learn about sampling. It was literally impossible for me to edit any patches via menu diving since my Alpha Juno at the time had some sort of chip error. Every time it would boot up the AJ2 would just show a combination of letters and numbers that were nonsensical. Couple that with my inexperience, and the pack turned out to be predominantly preset based. Thats why I'm calling this pack Mike's Mix! I finally got another Alpha Juno 2 a few years back, and I have the Alpha iOS editor which makes editing the synth worlds easier than menu diving. Some patches are derivates of presets but every sound has been tailored by me.
This freebie includes 3 instruments from our megapack which includes 30 instruments.
3 free Alpha Juno 2 Mikes Mix Ableton Instruments.